
I wuv woo vewy mush!

When I start cursing at him to act all tough,
he kissed me and told me he loves me.

When I'm quiet,
he asked me what's wrong.

When I ignore him,
He gave me his attention.

When he sees me at worst,
He told me I'm beautiful.

When he sees me start crying,
He just held me and didn't say a word.

When he sees me walking,
He sneaked up and hugged my waist from behind.

When I'm scared,
he protected me.

When I steal his favorite hoodie,
he let me keep it and sleep with it for a night.

When I tease him,
he teased me back and made me laugh.

When I don't answer for a long time,
he reassured me that everything is okay.

When I grab at his hands,
he held mine, and play with my fingers.

When I bump into him,
he bumped into me back and made me laugh again.

When I tell him a secret,
he kept it safe and untold.

When I look into his eyes,
he didn't look away until I do.

When I get mad,
he hugged me and didn't let me go.

He stays on the phone with me even if I'm not saying anything.
He treats me like I'm all matters to him.
He stays up all night with me when I'm sick.
Watch my favorite movie together or my favorite TV show even he thinks it's stupid.
He gives me the world.
He lets me wear his clothes.
He lets me know, I'm important.

When I run up to him crying, the first thing he said is:
"Whose ass am I kicking baby?"

That's how we've been falling in love with each other for this 6 months.
I love you.



A Drop in The Ocean

"A drop in the Ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert
But I'm holding you closer than most,
Cause you are my heaven
You are my heaven" - Ron Rope


I've been falling in love for 6 months with him


Gua baru sembuh sakit, abis sakit tenggorokan, batuk, pilek selama beberapa hari. Ampe ga bs bangun, ga bs ngapa-ngapain gara2 lemes. Cm bisa tidur2an sambil mainin hp doang, duduk aja bisa pusing sendiri.
Terus kmrn gua sakit perut gara2 PMS. yah you knowlah, cewe. Sakit perut ampe ga bs ngapa2in lg dan cm bs tiduran sambil megangin perut doang.
Tp kmrn gua belajar sesuatu. gua masih kurang terimakasih banget jadi orang.

Jd gini, 2 hari yg lalu itu gua berantem sama Edwin cm karena hal kecil. ya seperti biasa, selalu tercetus kata 'putus' dr mulut gue kalo berantem sama dia. Dan gua tau ini hal yang amat sangat buruk dan seharusnya dihindari orang2 yang lagi pacaran. Tapi untungnya, Edwin orangnya sabar bahkan lebih sabar dari yg gua bayangkan sebelumnya. Dia masih mau maafin gue yg selalu dg gampangnya mutusin dia seenak jidat gue, tp ga lama kemudia gua lagi yg nangis2 mohon2 supaya dia tetep disini dan ga akan putus dr gue. Hahaha weird, indeed.

Dan yg bikin gua ngerasa terharu dan ngerasa bersalah banget, itu karena besoknya gua sakit perut sampe ga bs bangun dr tempat tidur, trs dia dateng bawain gue obat -seperti biasanya-. Dia selalu ngerawat gue waktu gue sakit, jenguk gue, ingetin gua minum obat, nyuruh gua makan sayur, dan ngelarang gue makan-makanan yg emang ga boleh gue makan, melukin gue yg lg sakit sampe ketiduran, ga pernah takut ketularan sakit dan selalu ada waktu gua butuh dia.

Satu hal lagi yang bikin gua pertama kalinya ga ngerasa nyesel sayang sama orang, dia ga pernah berfikir sekalipun buat ninggalin gua yang udah berpikir beribu2 kali buat ninggalin dia.

Dan kalo sampe suatu hari nanti gua harus kehilangan Edwin, gua gatau harus dimana lagi gua cari cowo yang bs sayang sama gue kaya dia sayang sama gue...


Get well soon Jeje

I would be happy if I could spend my next 50 or maybe 100 years with you and your family, Edwin.
Everynight I dream of being your wifey, having our honeymoon in Egypt or Hawaiian Beach. Having our twins babies. Having our Arthritis together.
You know, I am the only one who deserve you, and I could be your friend, partner, love, teacher, student, I could be anything just to make you happy.
I love you and thanks for being mine too ;b


Yes, I am

I am your favorite song. I am your wildest game. I am your daily pills. I am your hobby. I am your addiction. I'm all yours and I could be your anything.

I'm your Vitamin C too


Because ...

People look, but they don't see
They eat, but they don't taste
They sniff, but they don't smell
They listen, but they don't hear
They touch, but they don't feel
They live, but very few... love.


Ga pernah beres chatting ama orang ini -__-

makan di kota isinya chiness semua
Heh!!! saya tersinggung!!
maap ohh anda orang chinesss hahaha,takdir memang kejam
Sialan lu. Makan di pasar baru aja! pasti lu seneng
waduh ane bukan orang india,udh luntur ama cina
Gua jg bkn orang cina, udah luntur jd brazil hahahahahah