
I will keep it alive.

OMG, thanks God for today.

Yap, hari yg selama ini berusaha 'dihindari' sama anak2 tunas, akhirnya datang jg. Sama sih emang, kaya acara2 inagurasi ato graduation biasa, tapi skrg gua ngerti knp guru2 memperjuangkan supaya inagurasi ini tetep ada dari tahun ke tahun.

Yah... gua gamau dan malessss banget bercengeng2 ria sampe harus nangis2an sama guru2 ato temen2 gue yg laen. Tp, kenyataan menggoda gua buat jujur malam ini.

Pasti, gua seneng banget bs lulus dan akhirnya bs mengakhiri masa SMA gue. Gua pasti kangen banget sama temen2 SMA gue huhuhu apa lagi, (ini yg daritadi sebenernya pgn gua bilang) gua ga pernah ketemu sama kelas yg rusuh tapi tetep bs kompak kaya XII IPS 2. Seneng bareng2, sedih bareng2, diomelin guru bareng2, dihukum bareng2, semuanya. Ga akan bs gua lupain. Satu lagi, gua pasti kangen banget sama kaliaaaaaaan huhuhuhu :'(

Sampai ketemu lagi ya temen2, gua tunggu undangan reunian kita (walaupun entah kapan). Goodluck guys, see you!



You've got magic inside your finger tips
It's leaking out all over my skin
Everytime that I get close to you
You're makin me weak with the way you
Look through those eyes

I remember the way that you move
you're dancin easily through my dreams
it's hittin me harder and harder with all your smiles
you are crazy gentle in the way you kiss

Baby I need you
to see me, the way I see you
Lovely, wide awake in
the middle of my dreams

And all I see is your face
All I need is your touch
Wake me up with your lips
Come at me from up above
oh I need you.


He's my kind of guy.

Oh well, gua baru kali ini punya pacar yg bener2........ beda. You know, I mean, gue ga pernah jadian sama cowo yang bener2 kaya Edwin. Cuek, dan bener2 cuek, tapi entah knp dia selalu bisa bikin gua yakin kl dia sayang sama gue dibalik sikap cueknya itu.

Mgkn krn dia ga pernah jadian sebelumnya ato....? hmm, just let me wondering.. hahaha.

He's not kind of guy who's gonna run into me at the airport, after I come back from any other place and we haven't meet for 2 weeks. Okay, he won't hug me and says "I miss you so fucking much baby, you know 2 weeks felt like 2 years when we're apart." Okay, he's not totally this kind of guy.
But he always has different way to show it, like the way he's gonna kiss my forehead and says, "Oh my God, you look skinnier on 2 weeks, honey. Let me carry those bags for you."

See? I know he's different.
But I love him. I don't know why, but I just do.



#nowplaying Tonight I wanna cry - Keith Urban.

Oh my god. jangan pernah sekalipun anda2 yang lagi patah hati mendengarkan lagu ini! BERBAHAYA! hahahaha.

Gila ya, walaupun gua lagi -sama sekali- ga patah hati, tiap kali dgr lagu ini rasanya pengen garuk2 aspal *lebay*. Tiap kali gua dgr lagu itu, gua selalu inget ttg masa2 sulit gue 'waktu itu'. Well, someone ever told me that every songs have their own memories and times. And I think they're right.

Oh ya, pengen cerita.
Gua lagi bimbang, ditawarin kerja sama temen gue di kantor engkonya, di daerah ruko MOI situ, jd marketing. Pengen sih kerja, biar punya pengalaman 'lebih', tp gua takut bangettttttt >< parah. takutnya lebih parah daripada waktu gua mau dibawa ke dokter gigi sama edwin! Gua takut blm siap kerja, terus malah kerjaan gue ga ke handle. Takut ga jalan sama sekali nanti jadinya :(

Yah... nyokap gua sih bilang "Kalo ga dicoba mana bs tau sih?". Edwin bilang "Kalo emang lo ngerasa blm siap yah, gausah". Gitu. Tp kalo gua ga kerja nanti gimana gua mau ikut batizado? :( Butuh biaya hampir 1jutaan buat ikut workshop, batizado, dan segala macemnya. Yah, kalo buat ikut ke SG-nya sih kl gua ga ikut jg gpp, tapi gua HARUS KUDU WAJIB ikut batizado, men. Kalo engga, sia2 aja dong gue latihan 1 tahun lebih tp ga naek level? Dan gua udah amat sangat ga sabar pengen tau kira2 apelido yg bakal dikasih Meu Mestre buat gue.

Okay, jujur. Gua sama sekali belom siap kerja. Tapi gua ga mau ngerepotin bonyok gue, minta duit buat batizado.

Help me. Any suggestion?


A Gentle Kiss

Tonight if I dream,
I hope it will be of you
so that I might see you there,
inside of my mind.
In my dreams
you will hold me
and we will dance
across that star-lit sky.
Hold me close
and I won't let go
and I will grace your lips
with a gentle kiss
as we walk throughout the night.
Just stay as you are
and you will be my star
just as long as you can be mine.

-Starfire43702007 on Deviantart.


Final Ultimatum

I want you to hug me from behind, unexpectedly.
I want you to give me your hoodie when I'm cold.
I want you to hold me and keep me warm.
I want you to cuddle with me and watch movies.
I want you to kiss me in the rain.
I want you to hold my hands and play with my fingers.
I want you play with my hair.
I want you to take amazing photos with me.
I want you to come to my house and have a dinner with my family.
I want you to lay in my bed in me and just hold me.
I want you to let me dress you up and make you look silly.
I want you to tell your friends everyday how much you love me.
I want you to write me songs and poems.
I want you to watch the sunrise with me.
I want you to give me piggy back rides daily.
I want you to kiss my nose.
I want you to wipe my tears away.
I want you to swim in the ocean with me.
I want you to tell me you miss me.
I want you to drop everything and hug me tight.
I want you to take pictures of us.
I want you to take me on a picnic.
I want you to snuggle with me in the movie theaters.
I want you to squeeze me as hard as you can when you hug me.
I want you to smile every single time you see me.
I want you to know how much I love you.
I just, want you.

It's raining and thundering outside. I need you to make me feel safe and sound, here.


Sometimes when ppl are under emotional stress, they say things that they don't really mean.