
He's my kind of guy.

Oh well, gua baru kali ini punya pacar yg bener2........ beda. You know, I mean, gue ga pernah jadian sama cowo yang bener2 kaya Edwin. Cuek, dan bener2 cuek, tapi entah knp dia selalu bisa bikin gua yakin kl dia sayang sama gue dibalik sikap cueknya itu.

Mgkn krn dia ga pernah jadian sebelumnya ato....? hmm, just let me wondering.. hahaha.

He's not kind of guy who's gonna run into me at the airport, after I come back from any other place and we haven't meet for 2 weeks. Okay, he won't hug me and says "I miss you so fucking much baby, you know 2 weeks felt like 2 years when we're apart." Okay, he's not totally this kind of guy.
But he always has different way to show it, like the way he's gonna kiss my forehead and says, "Oh my God, you look skinnier on 2 weeks, honey. Let me carry those bags for you."

See? I know he's different.
But I love him. I don't know why, but I just do.


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