
I Love You That Much

Another story about him

Gatau kenapa bangun tidur tiba2 pengen cepet2 ketemu dia. padahal kmrn mlm hampir pagi malah dia di rumah gue. sampe orang rumahnya pada nyariin dia ke gue huahauahaua. kenapa yah rasanya beraaaaat banget kalo liat dia mau pulang ke rumahnya gitu?
Mulut gue emang ngmg 'Udah sana pulang gih...udah jem berapa nih' tapi yg di dalem hati ngmgnya beda lagi, 'Jangan pulang...temenin gua sampe pagi disini'. Bingung kan?

Terus kmrn, kata2 itu keluar lagi dari mulutnya dia.
"Why don't you just be my girlfriend? I swear Im gonna love you right and I'll take care of you".

But still...its not that easy to make a serious relationship in our age. errr I mean, yeah I know he's older than me but it doesn't mean he would and could understand me and there's no guarantee that no 'goodbye' or something like 'bad ending' for us right?

Sigh. Im drowning into this funny little feelings.
I never thought Im gonna falling in love with someone like him. Someone called 'Best Friend'.
I can't believe I love my best friend that much.


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