
happy momee's day!

Dear my WonderMomee,

mee, maaf yah klu aya br ngmg semuanya ini pas hari ibu. kayanya emang hr in hr yg tepat buat bilang semuanya ke mami.
i wanna say alot of thank you and i apologize to you mee for everything i've done before. to make you sad, angry and maybe dissapointed of all the bad things i did mee :(
aya ga bs ga ngmg bnyak sama mami. aya cm mau bilang klu aya sayang banget sama mami. walaupun mami sk marah2 sama aya. suka galak. suka nyebelin. suka jutek. suka bawel. malah kadang2 suka bkin aya pengen pergi jauh2 dr rumah biar ga ktemu sma mami lagi. but mee, you are the most beautiful gift i've ever had :)
aya jg minta maaf sama mami klu aya srg bkin mami marah, bkin mami khawatir, bkin mami sedih, aya jg sering ga bs diandelin pdhal aya anak plg tua, maafin aya mi klu aya kadang2 ga bs dibanggain, ga bs jagain dan kasih contoh yg bgs buat lukas sama jojo. im so sorry mee :(
makasih udah jd ibu yg bae banget buat aya mee. walaupun mami ga jago masak keg ibu2 yg lain, walaupun kita sering berantem, walapun mami suka larang aya ini itu, walaupun mami sk pergi2 terus, tapi mami tetep ibu terhebat buat aya :)
mee, aya janji aya mau jd anak yg lebih baik lagi from now on. mau jd anak yg bs dibanggain dan bs diandelin sama mami. makasih mee, aya belajar banyak banget dr mami. to be a tough girl like you. i love you so more than everyhting mee. loving you is like food to my soul :)

The Beauty in You

In the dawn of life, you cradle me
Loving and tender, protective and sure
You hold me with pride, the whole world can see
The beauty in you and your love so pure

I bask in your love and grow to be strong
Your touch is comfort, your voice is song

I remember your words
and learn how to be the person you always imagined me

If i should choose someone to mirror
It would be you, Mee, and no other
Cause the beuaty in you, and your love so pure
Inspires the best, Thank God you're my Momee.

selamat hari ibu :)


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