
Dalai Lama Personality Check


You gotta try it!

Don't look my result before you take the test!

Here's my result.

Your preferences indicate your priorities in life and are listed in order from highest to lowest:

Tiger signifies pride.
Horse signifies family.
Sheep signifies love.
Cow signifies career.
Pig signifies money.

The animal associations tell about you:

Your description of dog indicates your own personality: bark
Your description of cat indicates the personality of your partner: annoying
Your description of rat indicates the personality of your enemies: disgusting
Your description of coffee indicates your feelings about sex: brown
Your description of the sea describes your own life: wide

The color associations tell about people who are important to you:

Yellow: Someone you will never forget: icha
Orange: Someone you consider your true friend: mom
Red: Someone that you really love: edwin
White: Your twin soul: jojo
Green: Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life: pop

You gonna like it, trust me!


Hari ini seharian main dirumah Edwin.
Gatau knp, walaupun ga keluar kota dan cm gini2 doang kerjaannya tiap hari tp gua tetep seneng liburan kali ini :)

Thanks Edw for accompanying me through the ends of 2009.
I hope next year would be more fun even it would be more harder than before. But I wish, we can keep standing and struggling til the time we've expected.

I keep my faith on you.
I keep my wishes on you.


Random Thoughts.

#1: I always love Edwin's odor. I wish I can put it right into my nose so I can smell it all the time!
#2: Rainy December always has its own memories.
#3: I do have one wish. And if God let my wish come true, I won't do the same mistake. I swear.
#4: Sometimes I hate rainy day. But I love it when I'm with him.
#5: I miss my youngest brother, Jojo. I couldn't kiss him for few days ahead :(
#6: Okay okay, yes I miss Mom too. even sometimes she's annoying.
#6: I'mma counting down the times through the 2010 comes!


My Wish

"Dear Santa, I've been a really good girl this year. and so my Mom and Dad says. But you are Santa, I am sure you already know that."

Merry Christmas everyone! Have a wonderful Christmas eve. Let's spread the joy of Christmas!


That's Why I'm Not Going To

jays1189 malem minggu bersama barbel hehee

Jepalooza Fitness mulu lo! lama2 meledak tuh otot lo hahaha RT @jays1189 malem minggu bersama barbel hehee

jays1189 @Jepalooza :hahahah gw udh 2 hari absen gym nona edwin ,ayo donk gym,biar ke isi badannya

Jepalooza @jays1189 GUA NGEGYMMMM? ogah ah. ntar tangan gua berotot kalah macho si Edw ntar HUAHAHAHAHA

@Jepalooza :ya Tuhan,cewe mah ngegym bukan bwd gedein otot juga,bwd bikin jadi kayak model tuh badannya bisa,apalgi lo gag gendud

Jepalooza @jays1189 Hahahahaha aduuuuuh ntar byk yg nempel kalo gua ngegym. si edw repot ntar HAHAHAHAHAHA (alasannya najong bgt)

jays1189 @Jepalooza :dasar kamu ini hahaha,ya suruh edwin ngegym juga biar gede badannya hahaha,jadi gag ada yg berani dekedin lo

Jepalooza @jays1189 Hahahahaha aduh engga deh ntar kl gua ngegym disuruh makan telor yg byk lagi kaya elo. Ogah gua bs bisulan segede tumor kali gua

jays1189 @Jepalooza :kayanya lo agak lebay untuk yg satu ini,bisulan segede tumor najis bgd,gag gw bayangin




Orang yg paling nyebelin sedunia.
Kadang pengen bgt gua ilangin sebentaaaaaaar aja dr muka bumi.
Suka banget ngomentarin baju2 gua.
Ahlinya bikin mood gua drop.
Bawelnya suka kelewatan, bikin orang naik darah.
Kalo ngmg ga bisa biasa, selalu nyakitin.
Suka ngerepotin, nanya2 hal yg ga penting.
Pelit. Gamau beliin barang yg gua mau padahal dia sendiri hobi banget beli baju tp ga pernah di pake.
Saingan gua kalo dirumah.
Musuh terbesar gua.

However, She's my mom. The one who's carrying me until this age. The one who loves and cares about me the most.
She is my guardian angel. my fortress. my home. my hero and foe.
She is my everything.


Christmas Holiday


I can't wait to spend my Holy-Holiday with my beloved Edwin and my freaky(s).
I hope this X'mas Holiday would be mooooooore fun and rock! KISS KISS.


For Christmas

I want that fringe bag for Christmas :'(
I want a Bulldog too for Christmas.


Wise Girl

"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left" - Marilyn Monroe

My Stupid Boyfriend


Sucks Part


Pernah merasa kalo diri egois? Tp lu ngerasa kalo 'dia' lebih egois lg dr lu.
Lu mau terima kesukannya dia, hobbynya dia, dan ga pernah larang dia buat lakuin hal yg dia suka. Bahkan lu seolah2 membuat diri lu terlihat 'ikut' suka sama hobbynya itu.

Tp justru wkt lu butuh waktu buat having fun, buat seneng2 sama hobby lu, dia ga bisa terima.
Kalo gt, buat apa Tuhan ciptain manusia dg hobby dan kesukaan yg beda2? Knp ga semua disamain aja jd satu?

Sigh. Terus gua harus gimana dong sekarang biar sama2 fair?